
How to Skin Care in The Summer And Some Tips to Glow Your Skin?


Skin Care in Summer

The summer season brings many troubles to the skin and body. Everyday our body keeps reactions due to heat and barometric. Like when the mercury increases and it has an upside effect on our body in a strong sunshine. Whenever the mercury grows, our body does not fit in with it, and it is also necessary that we are giving so much moisture to the body in the day to the physical needs of our body. If you do not do so, along with itching on the skin, the face becomes red marks on the neck, and also our beats get faster.

The lack of blood pressure in the heat also becomes unconscious. According to Ayurveda, heat is also called ‘bile blight’ season. Many health problems are associated with bile dysfunction. One study has found that due to excessive acidity and dyspepsia, the pH level of the face decreases and due to this there is a decrease in allergic, tanning, and facial glow. However, the high amount of fluid, fruit juice, easy-to-eat salad, and high fiber foods can return the lost glow.

Let’s know how to maintain skin glow in the summer –

1) Lemon-

Lemon fights with the problem of free radicals, as well as it is rich in vitamin C. Eating it every day can help to get a bright and healthy skin. It also helps in detoxification. It has bleaching properties, so that the color of the skin is light, but do not leave the house in the sun after applying lemon. It can cause irritation.

2) Aloe Vera-

Taking aloe vera in the summer days helps in keeping the body cold and it makes the skin feel cold. It also kills many types of bacteria, fungus and viruses.

3) Yogurt-

This dairy product is rich in calcium and magnesium ingredients. Apart from strengthening the bones, there is also the finest expolator. Applying it in gram flour acts like a white-burning agent and helps eliminate Tan.

4) Neem leaves-

Neem has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antibacterial properties, which not only benefits your health, but also removes many problems related to beauty. Neem contains Vitamin C, which helps in the removal of skin related problems such as blackheads, pigmentation, weariness and aging. The skin comes on the skin.

5) Oats flour-

Oats are healthy and nutritious food, in which there are many good qualities to make the body healthy as well as in-inside. Oat flour is a good scrub for dry and rough skin.

6) Basil leaves-

Basil leaves contain high amounts of Potassium, Magnesium and Vitamin C, which help in controlling your blood pressure. It contains plenty of amounts of antioxidants.