
Essential Oils For Dark Circles


Peri-orbital hyper-pigmentation called as dark circles are one of the most usual skin concerns, & it is anything but appealing. Dark circles under the eyes are normally thought to be caused by lack of sleep, but there are many other also other causes for these pesky dark spots under the eyes. These can be aging, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, environmental issues, lack of sleep, liver issues, hyperpigmentation, nutritional deficiencies, seasonal allergies, sinus infections, hereditary factors, and pregnancy and so on. The skin that can be found below your eyes is very soft and a lot thinner than most parts of our body. The veins underneath your eyes are very closer to the surface of the skin causing a bluish or darker shade. This is why you notice and feel more darkness there.

If our eyes are dark due to damaged eye vessels or blood leakage, it is very crucial that you visit a doctor and get checked as soon as possible. Do not worry this issue can be fixed very easily and in a simple way, however, if you ignore it the way it is and the leakage is prolonged, it can lead to permanent dark circles problem, and nobody likes that because face is one of the foremost parts to look an integral part of the first impression. But, if under eye dark circles are caused by something else, there are many other remedies with the use of essentials oils that can help get rid of your dark eye circles.

As the natural skin care movement continues to grow at rapid speed, people are starting to look for natural eye treatments to restore the vitality and brighten pigmented areas under the eyes. Herbal & plant extracts have long been known to prevent the skin & assist the production of collagen, which creates the skin supple and radiant. The anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, astringent, and cleansing properties of essential oils make them the ideal ingredients for skin cures.

Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic compound extracted from the flowers, seeds, rinds, stems, leaves and many other parts of plants/trees. Essential oils are not oils. They have a unique essence of particular botanical. Essential oils suitable for particular skin type so first you should know about your skin type and after need to dilute and then do a patch test to avoid at any body part like arm, leg, etc. to avoid any bad effect due to concentration. For dilute pure essential oils, you can use Coconut oil, Almond oil, Jojoba oil, Olive oil, Avocado oil, Argan oil, Arnica oil, Rosehip oil, etc.

To use organic essential oils under the eyes, mix 1 drop of oil into 15 ml of carrier oil (apricot kernel oil works really well). Use a drop of your mixture to your finger & lightly tap your oil onto the skin under your eyes. Do not get too close to your actual eye, and avoid the eyelid, as you do not want the essential oil to go into your eye by change. Wipe off any excess oil if any.